How Flood Control Works

Man-made stormwater ponds are attractive enhancements to many residential communities and businesses within the Lake Worth Drainage District (LWDD). More importantly, these waterbodies serve an important public safety purpose as they are part of the overall flood control system.

When it rains, stormwater flows into the retention pond and, if needed for flood control, out through the pond’s discharge control structure into the LWDD canal. Most of the time this drainage occurs unnoticed by the average individual. However, during a severe storm, flooding in streets, sidewalks, and driveways may occur. This temporary flooding may cause concern, but it is important to note these low-lying areas are designed as secondary detention areas to protect buildings and homes from flooding.

Within LWDD’s boundary, flood control is a shared responsibility and achieved through an interconnected, 3-tiered drainage system governed by 3 unique groups of people. Through communication and coordination, these 3 groups can provide effective flood control. The groups are identified as:

  • Neighborhood drainage systems operated by property owners or residential associations
  • Secondary drainage systems operated by LWDD or municipalities
  • Primary drainage system operated by the South Florida Water Management District

Water managers in charge of primary and secondary systems are continually monitoring the weather and canal levels to proactively respond to changes in canal elevations. In anticipation of a heavy rainfall event, water managers will make operational adjustments to maintain appropriate water elevations for flood control. Additionally, throughout the year routine canal maintenance is conducted to provide unobstructed flow in the canal channel and access along the canal rights-of-way. The inspection of control structures, pumps and other infrastructure is also conducted, and repairs or replacements are made.

Property owners and residential associations have a similar role regarding their neighborhood drainage system. They must maintain their drainage infrastructure to ensure that inlets, storm drains, pipes, and emergency discharge control structures are free of potential blockages and working as designed, thus maintaining the flow of stormwater away from their property. An annual inspection of the drainage infrastructure should be made, and repairs should be completed before the onset of storm season.

LWDD works closely with property managers and community boards to manage potential flooding. Residents should first report flooding issues to their property manager because the situation may have already been identified and addressed. Residents can find more flood control information online at

Trash Dump on canal

Pollution Has A Cost

Keeping Our Canal System Clean

Discarding of vegetative debris or other trash in the Lake Worth Drainage District (LWDD) canals or along the rights-of-way is illegal. Under the “Florida Litter Law” Florida Statute 403.413, dumping materials on public or private property is punishable by fine and potential jail time. Within LWDD’s service area, illegally dumped items are largely non-hazardous solid wastes that are inconvenient or costly to dispose of properly. Typical litter items include household trash, furniture, appliances, tires and vegetative debris from lawn maintenance and tree trimming.  Offenders most often include residents and construction and landscape contractors.

Some of the negative effects of illegal dumping can impact public safety, the surrounding environment, and the local economy. For example, using a drainage canal as a dump site can reduce the flood control capacity of the canal and threaten the safety of residents. Additionally, trash dumped on the canal right-of-way can impede access needed for regular maintenance or emergency response during severe weather. While landfills are designed to prevent waste from leaching into the ground or adjacent waterbody, this is not true for illegal dumping which may adversely impact the surrounding area. Finally, dumping is an eyesore and governments must redirect resources to clean-up materials and provide pollution mediation.

If you witness an illegal dumping incident in progress, call your local law enforcement agency or 911. Catching dumpers in the act is the best way for police to apprehend offenders and deter future violations. Never confront someone who is dumping. Instead, try to get the vehicle license number and description of the vehicle used to commit the crime. Most importantly, share this information with your neighbors and encourage them to always dispose of yard waste and trash properly. For more information on the proper disposal of trash visit Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach County.


Do I Need Flood Insurance?

Many residents within the Lake Worth Drainage District (LWDD) boundary frequently ask if they should purchase flood insurance even though they are not located in a high-risk zone. In response LWDD points out that the probability of your home or business flooding is a possibility anywhere in South Florida. Our region’s low and flat topography, coupled with its significant rainfall makes flood insurance an important consideration for property owners.

You may not realize it, but everyone is in a flood zone. You do not need to live near a waterbody to be at risk. The truth is that you can reside miles away from a pond or canal and still be at risk of flooding. Nearly 25 percent of flood insurance claims come from moderate to low risk zones. That is because it does not take a major body of water, or a major storm to cause a flood. Many things, such as new development, construction, lack of maintenance or a slow-moving rainstorm, may produce flooding. Just a few inches of water in a building can cost thousands of dollars in damage to walls, floors, furniture, carpets, and appliances.

It is important to note that flood damage is usually not covered by most homeowner or rental insurance policies. Flood insurance is available regardless of your flood zone. The cost of a policy depends on your location. For all but a small percentage of very high-risk properties, flood insurance is surprisingly affordable when compared to the cost of repairs. The consideration of purchasing flood insurance is a personal decision and should not be taken lightly. Consider your family or business’s tolerance for risk. Determine what you could afford to repair or replace at your own cost, and if a flood insurance policy is a wise investment for you.

To find out more about flood insurance for your property and its contents, contact your insurance agent. Additional information and insurance agency listings are available at the following links:

Enchroachment of plantings photo

Dangers in Using Public Land for Personal Use

Many people in southeastern Palm Beach County live adjacent to a Lake Worth Drainage District (LWDD) canal. To enhance their backyard, residents look to install landscape materials or structures such as swing-sets, fences, and patio decks. Often without realizing it, these enhancements are installed on LWDD’s rights-of-way which is publicly managed land.

Effective flood control depends on LWDD’s extensive network of canals to move stormwater away from homes after major weather events. Vegetation and other structures on the canal rights-of-way can severely hinder LWDD’s ability to keep residents safe during and after severe storms. Trees and large shrubs can topple over in high winds blocking emergency access along the canal bank or fall into the canal channel blocking the flow of water. Encroachments not only endanger the residents adjacent to the canal but also individuals living miles inland.

Maintaining water flow within the canal channel and access along the right-of-way is vital for public safety. It requires daily maintenance by LWDD crews as well as the removal of identified encroachments. LWDD encourages all property owners to contact us prior to the installation of landscaping or structures to ensure these items are not located on the canal rights-of-way. No matter how expensive or beautiful the installation, unauthorized encroachments will have to be removed. Considering installation and removal, this can be a costly mistake for homeowners.

If you live adjacent to a canal, contact LWDD staff at to verify the location of your next project and help us keep you and your neighbors safe.

Hurricane Season sign

Hurricane Resource For Property Managers

This flyer contains important information your residents need. It will help them understand how flood control works, and where to report storm damage or flooding issues. Download the flyer and share it with your residents before the hurricane season starts so everyone is storm ready.