The Lake Worth Drainage District manages the water resources for much of southeastern Palm Beach County, providing comprehensive flood control, water conservation, and water supply protection for more than 800,000 residents and thousands of acres of agricultural land.  Our employees monitor and control a complex system of approximately 500 miles of canals and 1,000 miles associated rights-of-way, 20 major water control structures, and numerous minor structures.

Services provided by Lake Worth Drainage District include:

  • Stormwater management and operation of the regional flood control system
  • Permitting of structures discharging stormwater into District canals
  • Maintenance of canals and rights-of-way
  • Aquatic weed control
  • Participation in community outreach and educational programs

The Lake Worth Drainage District encompasses approximately 200 square miles in southeastern Palm Beach County.  We are bordered on the west by the Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge, on the east by Interstate 95, on the north by Okeechobee Boulevard and on the south by the Hillsboro canal.

Included within our boundaries are all or portions of 13 municipalities: