
With more than 500 miles of canals – equalizers and laterals – and 20 major water control structures the Lake Worth Drainage District is continually conducting maintenance of its waterways.

Effective flood control is dependent on well-maintained canals and rights-of-way. The LWDD personnel are in the field daily to maintain canals and ensure the system is operating efficiently, including removing potential obstructions to water flow and canal right-of-way access. Maintenance activities include:

The Lake Worth Drainage District continues to invest significant resources towards capital improvements and rehabilitation of the flood control infrastructure. As the District’s water control infrastructure ages, it is necessary to continually repair and refurbish canal banks and structures. Canal banks and water control structures throughout the LWDD are regularly inspected to identify and prioritize rehabilitation projects.

Rock rip rap is often used to stabilize canal banks and prevent erosion. Additionally, water control structures are refurbished or replaced to ensure premium performance.