Herbicide Treatment of Aquatic Vegetation

Mechanical Removal of Aquatic Vegetation
The LWDD regularly treats and removes aquatic vegetation to facilitate effective drainage and flood control. In order to accomplish this task, the LWDD utilizes both herbicide treatments and mechanical methods to remove unwanted vegetation.
The LWDD strictly adheres to the regulations of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) for the application of various herbicides associated with aquatic vegetation management. The LWDD employees responsible for the treatment of aquatic vegetation are trained and certified annually on the proper application and handling of any herbicides used.
The LWDD is increasing its efforts to mechanically remove aquatic vegetation and reduce the need to utilize herbicides in our maintenance practices. Mechanical removal includes the use of containment booms which are floating ribbon-like structures that span the canal and extend approximately one foot both above and below the water’s surface. As water flows through a canal or winds blows across the water’s surface, floating debris will move through the canal network. The booms serve as a physical barrier, collecting the debris while allowing water to continue to flow unimpeded. District crews can then remove the captured debris mechanically with the use of a grapple truck.