LWDD Performance Goals and Objectives

 By October 1, each special district must establish goals and objectives for each program and activity undertaken by the District, as well as performance measures and standards to determine if the goals and objectives are being achieved. By December 1 of each year after that, each special district must publish an annual report on the District’s website. The report must describe the goals and objectives achieved by the District, the performance measure and standards used to make this determination and any goals or objectives the District failed to achieve.  (Section 189.0694, F.S.)


The Lake Worth Drainage District’s core mission is to provide flood control and protect water supply for communities within its jurisdiction.

FY25 Performance Goals and Objectives

 GOAL: Maintain flood control infrastructure to ensure effective drainage and sufficient water supply.

  • Objective: Perform canal maintenance to ensure stormwater drainage is efficient and drainage channels maintain the free flow of water.
    • Performance Measures:
      • Complete routine dredging on at least 25 miles of canal annually.
      • Maintain canals at a minimum of 90% free of aquatic weeds and vegetation.
    • Objective: Maintain canal rights-of-way to ensure access for emergency and routine maintenance.
      • Performance Measures:
        • Mow accessible ‘high maintenance’ canal banks a minimum of four (4) times annually, or once every three (3) months.
        • Mow accessible ‘high maintenance’ canal slopes a minimum of two (2) times annually or once every six (6) months.
        • Mow ‘low maintenance’ canal banks and slopes a minimum of two (2) times annually or once every six (6) months.
        • Inspect inaccessible ‘restricted’ canal banks a minimum of four (4) times annually, or once every quarter, and apply herbicide treatment as needed.
        • Remove hazardous trees and non-native, encroaching vegetation on a minimum of 150 miles of canal annually.
      • Objective: Operate and maintain reliable water control structures to provide drainage for flood control
        • Performance Measure:
          • Complete 100% of preventative maintenance inspections and activities on all control structures a minimum of 12 times annually or once per month.
        • Objective: Operate and maintain reliable water supply pumps to support needs for local utilities and agricultural irrigation.
          • Performance Measure:
            • Complete 100% of preventative maintenance and inspections on all water supply pumps a minimum of 12 times annually or once per month.
          • Objective: Implement a comprehensive canal rehabilitation program to restore and refurbish canal banks and provide for maintainable canal banks in perpetuity.
            • Performance Measures:
              • Complete 100% of all vegetation removal projects. (CRP)
              • Develop a project schedule for all identified canal bank restoration projects. (MRP)
            • Objective: Improve data collection and analysis capabilities for enhanced decision-making in water management.
              • Performance Measure:
                • Complete comprehensive surface water modeling effort.
                • Enhance water management dashboard.
                • Digitize and update permit and property boundaries within 30 days of notified changes.
                • Replace SCADA servers and update software.

GOAL: Protect flood control infrastructure to ensure ongoing services to a growing population.

  • Objective: Review development plans to ensure construction projects do not impact flood control infrastructure.
    • Performance Measure: Review 100% of development and plat review requests within established deadlines.
  • Objective: Issue permits for connections to the canal network and uses of the canal rights-of-way to ensure uses are authorized and compatible with the flood control system.
    • Performance Measure: Issue 100% of permits within 30 days of receiving a complete application.
  • Objective: Ensure compliance with permit requirements to confirm permitted uses are constructed, maintained and operating as intended.
    • Performance Measure:
      • Achieve a minimum 95% compliance rate for permit deliverables (record drawings, annual fees, inspections, insurance).
    • Objective: Inspect canals and infrastructure to mitigate risks to flood control.
      • Performance Measure:
        • Inspect all canals and rights-of-way a minimum of four (4) times annually or once each quarter.

 GOAL: Engage and inform the public of water management and flood control responsibilities.

  • Objective: Ensure compliance with state open government and sunshine law requirements.
    • Performance Measure:
      • Notice all public meetings as required.
      • Post all meeting minutes, resolutions and meeting materials on website within three (3) business days following meetings.
      • Retain records per required retention schedules.
      • Adopt annual budget and post on website within required timeframe.
      • Conduct annual audit and post on website within required timeframe.
      • Fulfill all public records requests within a reasonable timeframe.
    • Objective: Increase public awareness and understanding of water management and flood control.
      • Performance Measures:
        • Host at least one (1) educational workshop annually for property managers and HOAs.
        • Engage the public through social media and digital platforms at least 10 times per month.
      • Objective: Notify property managers, HOAs and key stakeholders regarding emergency flood control operations.
        • Performance Measures:
          • Update community contact lists at least twice annually.
          • Distribute instructions regarding system conditions and operations of community water control structures for each named storm with potential direct regional impact.