Cartoon of house in water

Do I Need Flood Insurance?

Many residents within the Lake Worth Drainage District’s (LWDD) boundary frequently ask if they should purchase flood insurance even though they are not located in a high-risk zone. In response LWDD points out that the probability of your home or business flooding is a possibility anywhere in South Florida regardless of your flood zone designation. Our region’s low and flat topography, coupled with its significant rainfall makes flood insurance an important consideration for property owners.

You may not realize it, but everyone is in a flood zone. You do not need to live near a waterbody to be at risk. The truth is that you can reside miles away from a pond or canal and still be at risk of flooding. Nearly 25 percent of flood insurance claims come from moderate to low risk zones. That is because it does not take a major body of water, or a major storm to cause a flood. Many things, such as new development, construction, lack of maintenance or a slow-moving rainstorm, may produce flooding. Just a few inches of water in a building can cost thousands of dollars in damage to walls, floors, furniture, carpets, and appliances.

It is important to note that flood damage is usually not covered by most homeowner or rental insurance policies. Flood insurance is available for all flood zones, but the cost of a policy depends on your location. For all but a small percentage of very high-risk properties, flood insurance is surprisingly affordable when compared to the cost of repairs. The consideration of purchasing flood insurance is a personal decision and should not be taken lightly. Consider your family or business’s tolerance for risk. Determine what you could afford to repair or replace at your own cost, and if a flood insurance policy is a wise investment for you.

To find out more about flood insurance for your property and its contents, contact your insurance agent. Additional information and insurance agency listings are available at the following links: