When The Wind Blows and Rain Pours – Don’t Be This Guy
Throughout the year the Lake Worth Drainage District (LWDD) is available to assist residents, board associations and property managers with understanding the operation and maintenance of the drainage system within their neighborhood and the important role they have in providing effective flood control for the community. LWDD Field Representatives are each assigned a specific area within the LWDD boundary to provide this assistance. But when the wind starts to blow and rain pours, it’s all hands-on deck! The LWDD staff’s focus switches from day-to-day tasks to storm response. During this time there is less opportunity for staff to address the public’s education or outreach needs. So don’t be this guy:
This guy mistakenly assumes it is LWDD’s role to open and close the association’s discharge control structure in response to rainfall. The operation and maintenance of the discharge control structure is a coordinated function between LWDD and the community. It is the community’s responsibility to open and close the structure in accordance with LWDD’s instructions/authorization.
This guy will call LWDD staff during the storm requesting to be included in the email distribution list. Staff will do their best to accommodate this request. However, please take time to do this before the start of storm season on June 1. Your community association may pre-designate who should be contacted for emergency alerts and instructions. This registration can be found at www.lwdd.net/authorization-contacts.
This guy doesn’t maintain the drainage infrastructure within the community. He incorrectly assumes that LWDD staff will come out to his community and inspect and make necessary repairs throughout the year. The drainage infrastructure within the community is the sole responsibility of the association. Drainage infrastructure may include items like stormwater ponds, underground pipes, discharge control structures, swales and street drains.
This guy doesn’t keep up with vegetative removal and wonders why his neighborhood streets are flooding. Debris blocking the grate of a street drain can quickly create a localized flooding issue for a neighborhood. Unkept landscaping can topple over in high winds, damaging buildings, cars and injury to residents. Depending on where vegetation lies, blockage to drainage flow can occur. Watch this short video that demonstrates a real-life street flooding event at https://youtu.be/d5vMXatzqVc.
This guy is uninformed and doesn’t know where the key to the community’s discharge control structure is located and has never tried to open the operable mechanism. He may not have the tools needed to access the structure if located below ground. He may break the operating portion of the structure due to lack of experience. This guy will find it near impossible to resolve the issues during the weather event.
Before the wind begins to blow and rain begins to pour, visit LWDD’s Storm Response webpage at www.lwdd.net/storm-response for the information you need to keep you from becoming this guy.