graphic that shows the flow of water

Your Question Answered

How does stormwater drain from my neighborhood?

When it rains, stormwater should flow from rooftops, driveways, and streets into a retention pond or storm drain. Then, if needed for flood control, flow out through the pond’s discharge control structure into a LWDD canal. Most of the time, this drainage occurs unnoticed by the average individual. However, during a severe storm, flooding in streets, sidewalks, and driveways can occur. This temporary flooding may cause concern, but it is important to note these low-lying areas are designed as secondary detention areas to protect buildings and homes from flooding.

Within LWDD’s boundary, stormwater drainage is a shared responsibility:

  • Neighborhood drainage systems operated by property owners or residential associations
  • Secondary drainage systems operated by LWDD or local government
  • Primary regional system operated by the South Florida Water Management District

Water managers in charge of primary and secondary systems are continuously monitoring the weather and canal levels to proactively respond to changes in canal elevations. In anticipation of a heavy rainfall event, water managers will make operational adjustments to maintain appropriate water elevations for flood control. Throughout the year, routine canal maintenance and inspections of control structures, pumps, and other infrastructure are performed to ensure the overall functionality of the water management system.

Property owners and residential associations have a similar role regarding their neighborhood drainage system. They must maintain their drainage infrastructure to ensure that inlets, storm drains, underground pipes, and emergency discharge control structures are clear of potential blockages and working as designed. Property owners and associations should conduct an annual inspection of the drainage infrastructure, and repairs should be made before the onset of storm season.

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Water Management Is 24/7

South Florida’s tropical weather events can be intense and seriously threaten property and life. In response, the Lake Worth Drainage District (LWDD) monitors canal elevations and makes necessary operational adjustments to its water control structures to provide flood control for the 200 square miles of land within its boundary.

Water control structures act like dams, allowing stormwater to be released or held back depending on weather conditions. The technology used to operate LWDD’s water control structures is called Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA). As the water rises in the canal and reaches a pre-determined elevation, SCADA will slowly open control structures releasing water for flood control. Similarly, as water elevations return to normal levels the control structure gates will close, holding back water for conservation and water supply demands.

This response to changes in the canal system happens automatically, 7 days a week, and can be monitored remotely by staff using mobile devices. However, in anticipation of severe weather, staff can override the automated SCADA system and make manual adjustments as needed. The remote monitoring and operating functions of SCADA eliminates the need for LWDD staff to venture out during dangerous weather conditions to operate control structures, as well as significantly reduces response time.

Another advantage to SCADA is the capture of operational data by the system which can be used to evaluate future water supply needs and historical flood control responses. This data can be shared with regional water management partners for enhanced flood control coordination and water conservation measures.

LWDD is proud to provide the residents and businesses within our boundary this 24/7 flood control technology.

tree on lawn

Your Question Answered

Q: I have a real Christmas tree. Will you dispose of it if I leave it on the canal bank or in the canal?

A: Any material from trimming or tree removal, including the disposal of Christmas trees, by the property owner must be properly disposed of by the resident or if applicable the contractor performing the work. Keep in mind that it is unlawful to place any debris in the canal or on the right-of-way in anticipation that LWDD will remove the material. Unlawful dumping will be reported to the authorities.


Annual Landowners Meeting and Board Election January 10, 2024 at 9AM

The Annual Landowners meeting will be held at the District Office on Wednesday, January 10, 2024 at 9am.  

The Lake Worth Drainage District (LWDD) is governed by a five-member Board of Supervisors who reside or own property within the boundary of the LWDD. The Supervisors are elected to three-year terms by LWDD’s landowners.  Their terms are staggered to provide that at least one Supervisor is elected each year at the Annual Landowners meeting. Landowners may vote in person by ballot at the Landowners Meeting or by proxy.

Staff reports and presentations on the operations of LWDD during the past year are given. Also, topics which the board or landowners wish to discuss will be addressed. Landowners are encouraged to attend and participate. Learn more about the Landowners meeting and the board election at

woman holding her nose closed due to bad oder

Your Question Answered

Why do I sometimes smell a strong odor after the District has treated the canal with herbicide?

The strong odor you smell is related to the oil emulsion that is mixed with the herbicide. Emulsion herbicides are a thicker consistency, allowing the spray to adhere to treated vegetation even when it rains so that it stays in place long enough to be effective. The odor will dissipate within a few days. The District strictly adheres to the environmental rules and regulations established and enforced by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) for the application of various herbicides associated with aquatic vegetation management.