LWDD’s Role In Development Review
One of the important stormwater management functions of Lake Worth Drainage District (LWDD) is to ensure there is adequate Required Right-of-Way. Required Right-of-Way includes the drainage channel and adjacent land on both the high maintenance and low maintenance sides of the channel. The purpose is to ensure adequate right-of-way for canal maintenance and function of the drainage design.
Securing Required Right-of-Way is accomplished through LWDD’s participation in the land development and plat review processes with Palm Beach County and municipalities located within LWDD’s boundary. Right-of-Way Specialist Anne Perry is assigned this important task. “Safety is always paramount. My job helps to protect both the employees and citizens of LWDD,” stated Perry.
Required Right-of-way is determined by the size, location, and flood control function of the canal. The development review process ensures development is planned, constructed, and documented according to code and comprehensive plans. Each month, LWDD receives approximately 40 to 60 projects from Palm Beach County and 20 projects from other municipalities for review. To complete a review, LWDD must analyze surveys, site plans, master plans and other supporting documents to ensure LWDD has adequate right-of-way along canals adjacent to the project site. Any additional Required Right-of-Way can be conveyed by the property owner to LWDD by exclusive easement or warranty deed.
LWDD review comments are provided through Palm Beach County’s Electronic Planning, Zoning and Building (ePZB) portal and the City of Boca Raton’s “ProjectDox” portal. All other reviews and comments with municipalities are conducted via email. Participating in the development review process assist LWDD in managing its 500 miles of canals, enhances flood control and public safety, and addresses compliance issues upfront thus avoiding costly delays during the development review process.