Avoid Driving on Flooded Streets
Driving on flooded streets can pose significant risks to drivers. Keep this phrase in mind, ‘Turn around and don’t drown.’ While you may believe you can safely navigate through high water, the dangers far outweigh any potential convenience. Listed below are five compelling reasons why you should never drive on flooded roadways.
1. Unseen Hazards
· Floodwater can conceal various unseen hazards. Dangerous objects such as potholes, debris, and downed powerlines. Driving over or through this debris may cause considerable damage to your vehicle. The risk increases dramatically when drivers struggle to navigate unfamiliar terrain.
2. Vehicle Damage
· Water can wreak havoc on your car engine. Even inches of standing water can cause your engine to stall. Water can infiltrate critical components such as air intake, transmission, and electrical systems leading to costly repairs. Be proactive and park cars on higher ground. The cost of repairing a water-damaged vehicle can far exceed the inconvenience of temporarily relocating your vehicle.
3. Swept Away
· Fast-moving water can be extremely deceptive. Just six inches of rushing water can knock a person off their feet, while 12 inches can sweep away a small car. The power of floodwater is unpredictable, even a calm section of road can quickly become dangerous. It only takes a moment for a vehicle to be swept off the road, putting all occupants at grave risk.
4. Impaired Visibility
· Flooding can significantly reduce visibility due to murky water and rainfall. When combined with other hazards like malfunctioning traffic signals and washed-out roads, driving becomes even more perilous. What might appear to be a shallow ponding can conceal a canal or community lake making the end of the roadway and the beginning of the waterbody undiscernible. A driver may unknowingly steer their car into a potential drowning risk.
5. Public Safety
· Driving through flooded streets does not just endanger you, it puts others at risk as well. Drivers who attempt to navigate flooded roadways increase the chance of
creating hazardous conditions for emergency responders. By staying home and avoiding flooded streets, you will contribute to the quick recovery and safety of your community.
In the face of flooding, patience is crucial. It is always better to wait for the water to recede than to risk your safety and the safety of others. Heed warnings, stay informed, and prioritize your well-being over any immediate need to travel. Remember, when it comes to flooded roads, the best course of action is to ‘turn around, don’t drown.’ For more information on driving and flooded roadways visit the National Weather Service website at https://www.weather.gov/tsa/hydro_tadd#:~:text=What%20Is%20Turn%20Around%20Don,to%20water%20over%20the%20roads